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Clutter can be overwhelming, and sometimes it can be hard to know where to start. Whether you've accumulated too many possessions over time or are moving into a smaller space, decluttering your home can seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be that way.

When you feel overwhelmed, you should know that the most significant hurdle is getting started. If you don't start doing the job, you can be sure you won't do it. With the proper mindset and approach, you can start decluttering your home and feeling more organised and in control.

To help you in the process, this blog post provides a comprehensive guide on where to start decluttering when overwhelmed.

Why Should You Declutter Your Home?

Before getting into when to start decluttering when overwhelmed, it's essential to understand why decluttering your home is critical. Aside from the apparent benefit of having a cleaner, more organised living space, there are several other compelling reasons why you should consider decluttering your home. These include the following:

Reduces stress and anxiety

Clutter has been shown to contribute to feelings of stress and anxiety. A cluttered home can make it difficult to relax and even affect your sleep. By decluttering your space, you can create a calmer, more peaceful environment that promotes relaxation and restful sleep.

Increases productivity

A cluttered home can make it difficult to focus and be productive. When you have to search through piles of stuff to find what you need, it can waste valuable time and energy. By decluttering your home and creating an organised system, you can increase your productivity and efficiency.

Saves money

Clutter can also be expensive. When you have too much stuff, you may buy duplicates or items you already have but can't find. By decluttering your home, you can save money by being more intentional about what you bring into your space and avoiding unnecessary purchases.

It helps you let go of the past 

Clutter can also be a physical reminder of the past, whether it's old papers, souvenirs, or sentimental items. By decluttering your home, you can let go of the past and make room for new experiences and memories.

Promotes mindfulness

Decluttering your home requires you to be mindful and intentional about what you keep and let go of. This can translate to other areas of your life and help you become more conscious and deliberate in your daily actions.

Overall, decluttering your home can have numerous benefits for your physical and mental well-being, as well as your productivity and finances. It can be a challenging and emotional process, but the rewards are well worth it.

Tips to Declutter When Overwhelmed 

Here are some of the top tips to start decluttering when overwhelmed.

Preparation and plan

When feeling overwhelmed, the best thing to do is to ensure you prepare and plan how to do the work. With good preparation and planning, you will take away the stress of decluttering.

With a written plan, you can tick things off as you declutter. This also ensures that when you are interrupted, you pick something up from where you left off. Start decluttering by creating a list of areas you want to declutter and order them according to priority.

Consider all the items that can help you during the decluttering process and ensure you have all of them before you begin the work. This enables you to avoid stopping in the middle when you don't have some items for the job.

If you know that you will be disposing of many things, you should consider ordering a skip bin well in advance. You can also look for ways to donate items you no longer need in your space.

Create a decluttering list

Now that you have a plan and are prepared to declutter your space, you should create a decluttering checklist. This is a list of everything you want to remove from your home. A checklist will make the work easier since you focus on what you want to remove. 

It will also be easy to locate everything you want to eliminate in each room. You no longer need these things, which occupy unnecessary space in your home.

Observe flexibility

Since you already feel overwhelmed, you don't want to put pressure on yourself. The best thing to do is to not set strict timelines on when to do the job. It's advisable to have a goal in mind but avoid overwhelming yourself further by having timeline pressures.

You need to be realistic about how long your plans will take, and don't feel demotivated when you take longer than expected.

Start with a positive mindset

Before you start getting rid of unnecessary stuff, ensure you are in the right mood. You can perform challenging decluttering tasks and do things correctly with a positive mind.

Allocate ample time for decluttering

Another great technique to help you declutter when you feel overwhelmed is allocating enough time for the job. You don't have to do all the decluttering work all at once or on the same day. 

When overwhelmed, you should set aside a small amount of time each day to help eliminate the feeling of being overwhelmed by the work you are to do. Set decluttering sessions and ensure they fit into your decluttering schedule.

Create a goal and track your progress

It's advisable to understand why you are doing the decluttering. Do you want to declutter your entire house or just a single room? Regardless of the goal, understanding it in advance allows you to stay focused on the decluttering job.

Where Do You Start the Cluttering Job?

Here are some tips on where to start decluttering when overwhelmed:

Start small 

The key to decluttering when you're overwhelmed is to start small. Trying to tackle an entire room or house in one go feels overwhelming and could lead to burnout. Instead, focus on one area at a time. This could be a single drawer, a shelf, or a closet. Starting with a small space will help you build momentum and give you a sense of accomplishment, which could motivate you to tackle more extensive areas later.

Begin with high-impact spaces

Consider the frequently used areas, i.e., areas you and your family use or spend a lot of time in. For instance, you can start with the kitchen because this is one of the busiest spaces where you gather, cook, eat, and do other things every day. 

When you clear the clutter from the spaces you use most, it affects how it looks, functions, and feels. This lets you immediately notice and appreciate your work and feel motivated to declutter other spaces.

Use the four-box method 

When you're decluttering, it can be helpful to use the four-box method. Get four boxes and label them as follows: Keep, donate/sell, trash, and relocate. As you go through your items, sort them into these boxes. 

Be honest with yourself about what you need and use. Let it go if you last used something a year ago. The objects you keep should be things you use regularly or have sentimental value.

Focus on one category at a time

Another way to approach decluttering is to focus on one category at a time. For example, start with your clothes. Go through your closet and dresser and sort your clothes into the four boxes. 

Once you've finished your clothes, move on to the next category, such as books, papers, or kitchen items. Focusing on one type at a time can help you remain focused and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Set a timer 

Sometimes, decluttering can feel like an endless task. To avoid burnout, set a timer for a specific amount of time, such as 15 or 30 minutes, and declutter for that amount of time. Once the timer is up, take a break and do something else. You can come back to decluttering later, or you may find that you've accomplished enough for the day.

Create a vision for your space 

Before you start decluttering, creating a vision for your space can be helpful. What would you want your home to look and feel like? What type of atmosphere do you wish to create? Having a clear vision can help you stay focused and motivated as you declutter. It can also help you decide what to keep and what to let go of.

Get rid of duplicates 

One easy way to declutter is to get rid of duplicates. Do you have two blenders, three sets of measuring cups, or four pairs of scissors? Keep the one you use the most and donate or sell the rest. This can help you free up space and simplify your life.

Let go of guilt 

It's common to feel guilty about getting rid of things, especially if they are gifts or sentimental. However, holding onto things out of guilt can lead to clutter and overwhelm. Remember that it's okay to let go of things that no longer serve you. If something has served its purpose, it's okay to thank it for its service and let it go.

Donate or sell items 

One way to make decluttering feel more rewarding is to donate or sell items you no longer need. Not only will this help you free up space, but it can also benefit someone else. You can donate items to a charity or thrift store or sell them online through websites like eBay or Facebook Marketplace.

You can also have a garage sale to get rid of unwanted items and make some extra cash. Knowing that your things are going to someone else who will appreciate them can make letting go of them more manageable.

Use storage solutions 

Sometimes, clutter is caused by a lack of storage solutions. If you don't have a place for everything, things can quickly pile up. Invest in storage solutions that work for your space and your needs. This could be shelving units, baskets, or under-bed storage containers. Having a designated place for everything could help keep your area organised and clutter-free.

Be mindful and intentional of the items you bring into your home 

Once you've decluttered, you must be mindful of what you bring into your home. Before you buy something, ask yourself if you need it or if it will add value to your life. Being intentional about the items you bring into your home can help prevent clutter from accumulating in the future.

Hire a Skip Bin Company to Help Declutter

Decluttering your home can seem like an overwhelming task. Still, by taking it one step at a time and utilising the right strategies, it can become more manageable and even rewarding.

By following the tips mentioned in this article, you could transform your living space into a clutter-free and organised haven. Remember to give yourself grace and take breaks when needed, as the journey to a more organised home is a marathon, not a sprint.

Alternatively, you could simplify the decluttering process by hiring a skip bin company to help. These companies have skip bins delivered to your doorstep and professionals who can help attain your clutter-free home goals and make the process less overwhelming.

The benefits of a decluttered home are numerous, making it a worthwhile endeavour.